Mammals of Thailand
Sunda Pangolin are one of the rarest and most endangered mammals in Thailand. I’ve been very fortunate to have seen them in my own garden in Koh Lanta.
Thailand is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. Ranked 18th in the world, Thailand has an astounding list of species in all groups of animals. With some 344 or so mammal species Thailand is a mammal watcher’s paradise! While seeing mammals in Thailand is very possible and fun, it can take a bit more effort than some locations due to many factors; animals can be relatively shy due to hunting pressure and human encroachment; the nature of the habitats here make it relatively easy for animals to hide or simply be out of view; many of the best mammal watching locations are not open to public visitation in many cases and special permission is required and can be difficult to get.
Now that I have lived here a bit more than ten years, I have seen and documented about at third of the species Thailand claims (110 species). I have a long way to go to see even half, but I am trying! Many of the species I have yet to claim on my list are rodents and chiropterans and can be a challenge to see well enough to identify. Slowly but surely…. I have often thought of doing a trip report for Thailand but with so many roadtrips now, I wouldn’t even know where to begin unless I were to simply write a book! I don’t think I have enough knowledge for such an undertaking… So as a compromise, here is a simple collection of images that have location data that can start someone’s search for information to design an expedition.
Sunda Slow Loris are very common in Southern Thailand but one does have to search for them!
Thailand has done a remarkable job preserving many different habitats and natural areas considering the obstacles to conservation. And when compard to Thailand’s other ASEAN neighbors, Thailand stands out as being far more proactive and has higher degrees of success. With nearly 20% of its land area officially protected, Thailand has allowed for habitat for many of its rare and endangered species. Perhaps the most impressive achievement is Thailand’s Western Forest Complex which is an assemblage of 19 national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. (Link to info on Western Forest Complex).
Although there are many serious issues facing Thailand’s wildlife, and there have been some conservation failures such as the Gurney’s Pitta extinction, there are some areas of positive trends. Currently Thailand is home to approximately 189 tigers with habitat and prey base to allow for more with continued strong conservation measures.
For more excellent information on Thailand’s national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, log on to Thailand’s National Parks, one of the best sources of information on these special places.
My own explorations have taken me to most of Thailand’s national parks and reserves over the years. The image gallery below shows the mammals I have managed to document in my travels throughout Thailand. I have labelled the images as to species and location. With the exception of the Malayan Tapir, all images were taken inside Thailand’s borders. If you note any mistakes on my image identifications, please feel free to let me know! Each image is linked to larger galleries highlighting the species in question.
Dusky or Spectacled or Blonde-tailed Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus flavicauda) Kaeng Krachan NP
Yellow-throated Marten (Martes flavigula) Kaeng Krachan NP, Phanoen Thung Camp
Indochinese Tiger (Panthera tigris colbetti)
Indochinese Serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii maritimus) Pak Chong, outside Khao Yai
Malayan Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indochinese Dhole (Cuon alpinus infuscus) Khao Yai NP
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Huai Kha Khaeng (Melanistic form)
Red Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak curvostylis) Kaeng Krachan NP
Eden's Whale (Baleanoptera edeni) Northern Gulf of Siam
Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) Wat Tha Sung Taksinaram, Bang Sai Ayutthaya
Irrawady Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) Northern Gulf of Siam
Pileated Gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) Khao Yai National Park
Indochinese Tiger (Panthera tigris colbetti)
Sunda Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) Koh Lanta
Dugong (Dugong dugong) Mu Koh Libong Non-hunting Area
Bengal Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) feeding on Bombax anceps, งิ้วป่าครับ tree - Phu Suan Sai NP, Loei
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Huai Kha Khaeng (Melanistic form)
Indochinese Grey Langur (Trachypithecus crepusculus) Wat Pha Pu, Loei
Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) Wat Tham Thong Charoentham, Pitsanolok
Western or Himalayan or Burmese Squirrel (Tamiops mcclellandii) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indochinese Ground Squirrel (Menetes berdmorei) Wat Tham Prathun, Chonburi
Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) Kaeng Krachan NP
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) Taman Negara, Malaysia - wild (Only captive individuals and fresh sign observed in Thailand)
Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica thai) Khao Yai NP
Masked Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) Kaeng Krachan NP
Thong Yai NWR
Burmese Eld's Deer - Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese Gaur (Bos gaurus laosiensis) Khao Pang Ma
Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica) Koh Lanta
Ashy Large-eared Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros cineraceus) Wat Phanom Rung, Buriram (ID needs confirmation)
Indochinese Banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus) Huai Kha Khaeng
Indochinese Golden Jackal (Canis aureus cruesemanni) Khao Yai NP
Irrawady Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) Northern Gulf of Siam
Asian Wrinkle-lip Bat (Chaerephon plicatus) Tham Pha Tha Phon Non-Hunting Area
Woolly Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus luctus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Asian Elephant - Khao Yai NP
Hardwicke's Woolly Bat (Kerivoula hardwickii) Kaeng Krachan National Park
Long-winged Tomb Bat (Taphozous longimanus) Wat Prasat Muang Tham, Buriram
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Huai Kha Khaeng (Melanistic form)
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonina) Sattahip
Indochinese Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata perspicullata) Naklua Bridge, Baan Khlong Suan
Cantor's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros galeritus) Namthalu Cave, Khao Sok NP
White-thighed Langur (Presbytis siamensis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Stump-tailed Macaque (Macaca arctoides) Kaeng Krachan NP
Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Cinnamon Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii cinnamomeus) Khamphaeng Phet
Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) Kaeng Krachan NP
Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) Kaeng Krachan NP
Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus kanchil) Kaeng Krachan NP
Bocourt's Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii bocourti) Khon Kaen Water Treatment Plant
Malayan Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Masked Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indochinese Banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus) Huai Kha Khaeng
Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx) Fisherman's Cave, Mu Koh Libong
Burmese Goral (Nemorhaedus evansi) Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese Gaur (Bos gaurus laosiensis) Khao Pang Ma
Indochinese Serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii maritimus) Pak Chong, outside Khao Yai
Indochinese Golden Jackal (Canis aureus cruesemanni) Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese Dhole (Cuon alpinus infuscus) Khao Yai NP
Burmese Eld's Deer - Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Red Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak curvostylis) Khao Yai NP
Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx) Baan Maka Petchaburi . Note the folded palm tent
Fea's Muntjac (Muntiacus feae) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indochinese Banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus) Huai Kha Khaeng
Fea's Muntjac (Muntiacus feae) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indochinese hog deer (Axis annamiticus) Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese Dhole (Cuon alpinus infuscus) Khao Yai NP
Mainland Sambar (Rusa unicolor cambojensis) Khao Yai NP
Cave Nectar Bat (Eonycteris spelaea) Sumano & Uthokkaram Caves, Patthalung
Eden's Whale (Baleanoptera edeni) Northern Gulf of Siam
Irrawady Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) Northern Gulf of Siam
Indochinese Gaur (Bos gaurus laosiensis) Thong Yai NP
Pendlebury's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros pendleburyi) Sumano Cave, Patthalung (Thailand endemic)
Asian Wrinkle-lip Bat (Chaerephon plicatus) Kon Kaen, Bat Mountain
Small Toothed Civet (Arctogalidia trivirgat) Krung Ching, Khao Luang NP
Malayan Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Lesser or Pygmy Treeshrew (Tupaia minor) Koh Lanta
Mainland Sambar (Rusa unicolor cambojensis) Khao Yai NP
Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) Wat Tha Sung Taksinaram, Bang Sai Ayutthaya
Island Flying Fox (Pteropus hypomelanus) Koh Chang
Large Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus) Chuak Island, Trang
White-handed or Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) Khao Luang NP
Stump-tailed Macaque (Macaca arctoides) Kaeng Krachan NP
Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) Wat Prasat Sing Kanchanaburi
Sunda Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus brachyotis) Koh Lanta
Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat (Cynopterus sphinx) Fisherman's Cave, Mu Koh Libong
Lesser Sheath-tailed Bat (Emballonura monticola) Koh Lanta
White-handed or Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) Kaeng Krachan NP
Graet Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros armiger) Sumano Cave, Patthalung
Javan Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) Buriram Huai Chorakhe Mak
Indochinese Gaur (Bos gaurus laosiensis) Thong Yai NP
Asian Wrinkle-lip Bat (Chaerephon plicatus) Kon Kaen, Bat Mountain
Long-tailed or Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Koh Lanta
Bicolored Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros bicolor) Wat Tham Pra Pu Loei Province
Sunda Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) Koh Lanta (ID is under review)
Pileated Gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) Khao Yai National Park
Pendlebury's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros pendleburyi) Sumano Cave, Patthalung (Thailand endemic) - Note baby
Burmese Goral (Nemorhaedus evansi) Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese Serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii maritimus) Pak Chong, outside Khao Yai
Intermediate Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros larvatus) Wat PhanomRung, Buriram
Asian Elephant - Kui Buri NP
Large Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus) Chuak Island, Trang
Indochinese Banteng (Bos javanicus birmanicus) Huai Kha Khaeng
Indochinese Dhole (Cuon alpinus infuscus) Khao Yai NP
Southern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Eden's Whale (Baleanoptera edeni) Northern Gulf of Siam
Leschenault's Rousette (Rousettus leschenaultii) Southern Thailand
Black-bearded Tomb Bat (Taphozous melanopogon) Wat Prathaisawan, Ayutthaya (Leucistic form)
Sunda Colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) Koh Lanta
Pouched Tomb Bat (Saccolaimus saccolaimus) Namthalu Cave, Khao Sok NP
Dugong (Dugong dugong) Mu Koh Libong Non-hunting Area
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Huai Kha Khaeng (Melanistic form)
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Kaeng Krachan NP
Javan Mongoose (Urva javanica) Pak Chom Loei Province Mekong River
Aselliscus stoliczkanus - Stoliczka's Trident Bat - Tham Pha Thai National Park, Lampang
Flower's Variable Squirrel (Callosciurus finlaysonii floweri) Ubon Rachathani Population
Burmese Hare (Lepus peguensis) Nong Ya Plong Scrublands, Petchaburi
Indochinese Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata perspicullata) Naklua Bridge, Baan Khlong Suan
Yellow-throated Marten (Martes flavigula) Kaeng Krachan NP, Phanoen Thung Camp
Robinson's Banded Langur (Presbytis robinsoni) Phanoen Thung Camp, Kaeng Krachan NP
Sunda Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) Koh Lanta (ID is under review)
Diadem Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros diadema) Sumano Cave, Patthalung
Mainland Sambar (Rusa unicolor cambojensis) Khao Yai NP
Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica) Koh Lanta
Pendlebury's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros pendleburyi) Sumano Cave, Patthalung (Thailand endemic)
Red Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak curvostylis) Khao Yai NP
Dusky or Spectacled or Blonde-tailed Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus flavicauda) Kaeng Krachan NP
Greater Asiatic Yellow Bat (Scotophilus heathii) Bangkok
Black-bearded Tomb Bat (Taphozous melanopogon) Wat Prathaisawan, Ayutthaya
Bengal Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) feeding on Bombax anceps, งิ้วป่าครับ tree - Phu Suan Sai NP, Loei
Germain's Silvered Langur (Trachypithecus germaini) Sai Keaw Beach Forest, Sattahip
Indochinese Ground Squirrel (Menetes berdmorei) Si Satchanalai, Sukhothai Province
White-thighed Langur (Presbytis siamensis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Asian Wrinkle-lip Bat (Chaerephon plicatus) Kon Kaen, Bat Mountain
Graeter False Vampire Bat (Megaderma lyra) Namthalu Khao Sok NP, Surat Thani
Dusky or Spectacled or Blonde-tailed Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus flavicauda) Kaeng Krachan NP
Eden's Whale (Baleanoptera edeni) Northern Gulf of Siam
Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) Wat Tham Thong Charoentham, Pitsanolok
Bicoloured-Roundleaf-Bat (Hipposideros-bicolor) Koh Lanta
Indochinese Gaur (Bos gaurus laosiensis) Khao Pang Ma
Malaysian Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus malayanus) Dao Wa Dung Cave Sai Yok NP, Kanchanaburi
Indochinese Grey Langur (Trachypithecus crepusculus) Wat Pha Pu, Loei
Long-tailed or Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Ao Luek Krabi
Asian Elephant - Khao Yai NP
Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis) Wat Tham Thong Charoentham, Pitsanolok
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonina) Khao Yai NP
Theobold's Tomb Bat (Taphozous theoboldi) Wat Prasat Muang Tham, Buriram
Creeam-colored Giant Squirrel (Ratufa affinis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Stump-tailed Macaque (Macaca arctoides) Kaeng Krachan NP
White-thighed Langur (Presbytis siamensis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Diadem Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros diadema) Namthalu Cave, Khao Sok NP
Asian Elephant - Thong Yai NWR
Burmese Eld's Deer - Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Indochinese hog deer (Axis annamiticus) Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Mainland Sambar (Rusa unicolor cambojensis) Khao Yai NP
Northern Treeshrew (Tupaia belangeri) Bang Pu, Samut Prakan
Western or Himalayan or Burmese Squirrel (Tamiops mcclellandii) Kaeng Krachan NP
Eden's Whale (Baleanoptera edeni) Northern Gulf of Siam
Island Flying Fox (Pteropus hypomelanus) Koh Lanta
Great Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros armiger) Wat Tham Pra Pu Loei Province
Indochinese Grey Langur (Trachypithecus crepusculus) Wat Pha Pu, Loei
Intermediate Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus affinis) Dao Wa Dung Cave Sai Yok NP, Kanchanaburi
Germain's Silvered Langur (Trachypithecus germaini) Sai Keaw Beach Forest, Sattahip
Germain's Silvered Langur (Trachypithecus germaini) Sai Keaw Beach Forest, Sattahip
Robinson's Banded Langur (Presbytis robinsoni) Phanoen Thung Camp, Kaeng Krachan NP
Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) Wat Tha Sung Taksinaram, Bang Sai Ayutthaya
Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Wat Phra Phutthabat Pha Ruea Chiang Rai
Pallas's Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus atrodorsalis) Khao Ban Dai, Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (Western Thai Subspecies)
Indochinese Leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) Huai Kha Khaeng (Melanistic form)
Asian Elephant - Kui Buri NP
Indochinese Smooth-coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata perspicullata) Naklua Bridge, Baan Khlong Suan
Common Treeshrew (Tupaia glis) Koh Lanta
Andersen's Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros gentilis) Khao Yai NP
Southern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Krabi - Domesticated Coconut Worker
Yellow-throated Marten (Martes flavigula) Kaeng Krachan NP, Phanoen Thung Camp
Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica) Koh Lanta
Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus kanchil) Kaeng Krachan NP
Robinson's Banded Langur (Presbytis robinsoni) Phanoen Thung Camp, Kaeng Krachan NP
Dusky or Spectacled or Blonde-tailed Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus flavicauda) Kaeng Krachan NP
Lesser False Vampire Bat (Megaderma spasma) Wat Si Thep
Long-tailed or Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Khao Sam Roi Yod NP
Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica thai) Khao Yai NP
Northern Treeshrew (Tupaia belangeri) Bang Pu, Samut Prakan
White-handed or Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar) Khao Yai NP
Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii sinistralis) Sukhothai World Heritage Site
Least Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus pusillus) Kaeng Krachan NP, Phanoen Thung Camp
Grey-bellied Squirrel (Callosciurus caniceps) Similan Islands
Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei) Wat Tha Sung Taksinaram, Bang Sai Ayutthaya
Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) Kaeng Krachan NP
Ricefield Rat (Rattus argentiventer) Bangkok area
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Red Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista petaurista melanotus) Koh Lanta
Malaysian field rat or Malaysian wood rat, (Rattus tiomanicus) Koh Lanta
Finlayson's Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii finlaysoni) Khao Yai NP
Bocourt's Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii bocourti) Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok
Woolly Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus luctus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Burmese Goral (Nemorhaedus evansi) Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary
Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii sinistralis) Sukhothai World Heritage Site
Plantain Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Wat Phra Phutthabat Pha Ruea Chiang Rai
Black-striped Squirrel (Callosciurus nigrovittatus) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulata) Wat Tham Pha Mhak Ho Loei Province
Grey-bellied Squirrel (Callosciurus caniceps) Kaeng Krachan NP
Malayan Slit-faced Bat (Nycteris tragata) Kaeng Krachan NP, Phanoen Thung Camp
Pallas's Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus) Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonina) Khao Yai NP
Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) Khao Yai NP
Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indomalayan Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys sumatrensis) Huai Kha Khaeng
Low's Squirrel (Sundasciurus lowii) Krung Ching, Khao Luang NP
Slender Squirrel (Sundasciurus tenuis) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Ricefield Rat (Rattus argentiventer) Bangkok
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary
Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Similan Islands
Siamese Wild Boar (Sus scrofa jubatus) Erawan Falls NP
Lesser False Vampire Bat (Megaderma spasma) Wat Si Thep
Lesser Mousedeer (Tragulus kanchil) Kaeng Krachan NP
Malayan Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) Kaeng Krachan NP
Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) Taman Negara, Malaysia - wild (Only captive individuals and fresh sign observed in Thailand)
Common Palm Civet (Paradoxus hermaphroditus laotum) Pang Sida NP
Small Toothed Civet (Arctogalidia trivirgat) Khao Yai NP
Finlayson's Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii finlaysoni) Khao Yai NP
Large Indian Civet (Viverra zibetha) Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
Bocourt's Variable Squirrel (Callosciuris finlaysonii bocourti) Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque (Macaca leonina) Khao Yai NP
Cambodian Striped Squirrel (Tamiops rodolphii) Wat Tham Prathun, Chonburi
Masked Palm Civet (Paguma larvata) Kaeng Krachan NP
Binturong (Arctictis binturong) Kaeng Krachan NP
Indian Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista philippensis) Phu Kieo Wildlife Sanctuary
National Park Maps for Thailand
Central Thailand National Parks Map
Northeastern Thailand National Parks Map
Northern Thailand National Parks Map
Southern Thailand National Parks Map
Western Forest Complex Map