Slender Lorises
Together with the red slender loris (Loris tardigradus), the grey slender loris (Loris lydekkerianus) is a type of slender loris (genus Loris) in the strepsirrhine primate family Lorisidae.[1] In 1908 Spanish zoologist Ángel Cabrera first described the Mysore slender loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus) in Chennai, India, which he named for the English naturalist Richard Lydekker. This subspecies was further described by William Charles Osman Hill in his seminal primate book Primates: Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy (1953). Hill believed there was one species of slender loris which was further split into six subspecies, two in India and four in Sri Lanka. In 1998 biological anthropologist Colin Groves recognised two species, L. tardigradus and L. lydekkerianus, which have been widely accepted by the scientific community. Loris lydekkerianus now includes four geographically separated subspecies, L. l. lydekkerianus (previously L. t. lydekkerianus) and L. l. malabaricus in India and L. l. nordicus and L. l. grandis in Sri Lanka.
Gray Slender Loris distribution
Genus Loris
Red slender loris, Loris tardigradus
Gray slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus
Malabar slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus malabaricus
Mysore slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus
Northern Ceylonese slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus nordicus
Highland slender loris, Loris lydekkerianus grandis
A slender loris group known as the montane slender loris (taxon nycticeboides) has had uncertain classification and variously placed as a subspecies of L. lydekkerianus, L. tardigradus, and as a distinct species. A 2019 study based on partial CO1 sequences showed the taxon can be classified in a single haplogroup with L. t. tardigradus.
Red Slender Loris distribution