Family Erebidae Erebidae - Aedia funesta - Koh Lanta Thailand Erebidae - Aedia funesta - Koh Lanta Thailand Erebidae - Amata huebneri - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Amata huebneri - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Amata huebneri - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Chionarctia nivea - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Claterna cydonia - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Claterna cydonia - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Claterna cydonia - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Claterna cydonia - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Hulodes caranea - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Ilema species - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas Erebidae - Ilema species - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Litter Moth (Hadennia hypenalis) Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Lymantria marginalis - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas - possible Arctiidae Erebidae - Ilema species - Koh Lanta The Other Side Villas Erebidae - Unidentified Species - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Unidentified Species - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae -Spilosoma lubricipeda - Koh Lanta, Thailand Erebidae - Erebus macrops - Sigiriya NP, Sri Lanka